Jeden z často opomíjených minerů pro cryptonightR (těží samozřejmě i další algoritmy). Nabízí neobvyklé možnosti, ale také nové postupy.
Podporované grafické karty
- RX 580/570/480/470 on windows and linux with rocm or amdgpu-pro drivers
- RX Vega 64/56, Vega FE on windows and linux with rocm or amdgpu-pro/PAL drivers
- RX 560/550 on windows and linux with rocm or amdgpu-pro drivers
- Radeon VII on windows and linux with rocm or amdgpu-pro/PAL drivers
Ke stažení:
Poplatky a algoritmy
- Cryptonight R: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8 upx2: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8 turtle: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8 half: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8 double: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8 rwz: 2.5%
- Cryptonight v8: 2.5%
- Cryptonight heavy: 2.5%
- Cryptonight haven: 2.5%
- Cryptonight saber: 2.5%
- x16r: 2.5%
- x16s: 2.5%
- x16rt: 2.5%
- Lyra2rev3: 2.5%
- Lyra2z: 3%
- Phi2: 3%
Changes in v0.5.2
- Bugfix release only, no new added algos or features.
- Fix for 1-2% degraded hashrate on Radeon VIIs in some scenarios.
- Fix for Radeon VII allocation bug, causing hw errs.
- Fix for allocation bug causing crashes for some drivers and gpus.
Changes in v0.5.1
- Added better support for CN intensities 16*15, use --allow_large_alloc under Linux.
- Added --no_ntime_roll for mining x16rt on e.g.
- Added Tonga device recognition.
- Better error reporting for pool communication issues.
Changes in v0.5.0
- Added cryptonight 4MB variants: heavy, haven and saber.
- Added x16 algo suite: x16r, x16s, x16rt (both gin and veil).
- Auto-tuning mode for all CN variants, see bundled guide.
- Manual key-driven CN tuning mode available inside the miner.
- Additional data in miner stats console output.
- Watchdog now detecting single stuck thread when mining CN.
- Fix: in rare cases, poolside hash for compute algos (lyra2z, phi2, lyra2rev3) only reached ~95% of expected value.
Changes in v0.4.5
- Added cryptonight v8 upx2 for the uPlexa coin fork.
- Reworked init procedure, added retry logic on comm errors.
- Added section on temps to the CN_MAX_YOUR_VEGA guide.
- Added a new howto MAP_YOUR_GPUS describing how to map gpus between miner/tools/registry.
Changes in v0.4.4
- Added * mode specifically for modded timings on Vega GPUs. Use with e.g. --cn_config=15*15. This mode is now the default for Vegas.
- Introduced slow start/ramp-up. Threads increase their workload slowly at start or restart after e.g. a network outage.
- Added interleave adjustment logic. Readjusts the two threads per gpu over time to make sure they don't gravitate and get stuck.
- Added support for forcing colors (--force_color) for windows redirected consoles (git bash, cygwin, node.js).
- Added hotkey menu system (show stats, enable/disable gpu).
Changes in v0.4.3
- Added cryptonight v8 turtle (--algo cnv8_trtl) algo for coins such as turtle coin and loki.
- Added support for running CN mining single-threaded using Y+0 configurations.
- Changed the auto config mode for Radeon VII to L30+0 as a temporary setting.
Changes in v0.4.2
- Added cryptonight v8 half (--algo cnv8_half) algo for coins such as stellite and masari.
- Added cryptonight v8 double (--algo cnv8_dbl) algo for coins such as x-cash.
- Added cryptonight v8 reverse waltz (--algo cnv8_rwz) algo for coins such as graft.
- Added support for running devices on multiple OpenCL platforms.
- Fixed more issues with console colors on older windows versions.
- Added more cpu verification optimization for CN/R. CN/R cpu usage should decrease ~70%.
Changes in v0.4.1
- Removed server name verification for SSL connections. (Pools like supportxmr now work with SSL)
- Fixed bug causing GPUs to fail to initialize on some systems.
- Fixed bug causing GPUs to only run one thread (but display 2x hashrate)
- Fixed bug where having GPU_MAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE set too high would cause GPUs to crash.
- Fixed bug where older windows versions would get no console output.
- Added work-around for driver bug in linux amdgpu-pro drivers resulting in low pool-side hash for polaris cards in rare cases.
- Added some cpu verification optimizations. CN/R cpu usage should decrease about 15%.
Changes in v0.4.0
- Added cryptonight R support. (--algo cnr)
- Added support for ssl/tls pool connections using the stratum+ssl:// prefix.
- Added colors (and an option to disable them).
- Slight performance increase for lyra2rev3 (~0.5%).
- Fix for occasional crashes when pool disconnects.
- Added more messages regarding not being connected to dev pool.
- Changed printing to not block mining progress if stdout writes block.
Changes in v0.3.10
- Slight performace improvement for Vegas on lyra2rev3
- Pool stratum protocol work-arounds for some pools, fixing duplicate share error.
- Changed handling of unrecognized pool rpcs to be ignored instead of causing a reconnect.
- Fix for duplicate shares on 480/580/Vega56 cards with lyra2rev3.
Changes in v0.3.9
- Added support for lyra2rev3 amdgpu-pro and windows. ROCm support coming in later version.
- Fixed API bug with not reporting dead GPUs
Changes in v0.3.8
- Added support for fan speed and temperatures.
- Added watchdog function for gpu init stuck, dead gpu, over-temp gpu, and non-responding pool.
- Added new optional 'L' config prefix for low-end cards like lexa/baffin for a 10+% speed-up on some cards
- Added an option for writing out a log file.
- Added cycling through multi-entry dns records when connecting to pools.
- Added a pool-connect timeout.
- Added measurement and displaying of pool response times.
- Added support for 80-byte headers for Phi2 algo (for non-LUX coins).
- Slightly tuned the '+' mode for polaris, some GPUs will show slight performance increase.
- Fixed bug with API interface occasionally getting stuck.
Changes in v0.3.7
- Redesigned GPU initialization, should now be less error prone.
- Added clean shutdown to reduce driver/GPU crashes.
- Added staggered GPU start-up to reduce GPU crashes.
- Added CPU verification for CNv8 and associated --no_cpu_check option.
- Fixed crash on pool authentication error.
- Added --pool_broken_rpc work-around option for pools that violate json rpc spec.
- Added option to reorder by PCIe bus numbers.
- Added --list_devices option to show available devices.
- Added changed stats formatting to indicate which numbers are accepted/rejected/hw-error shares.
- Added uptime to stats.
Changes in v0.3.6
- Added support for Rx550 cards (gfx804).
- Improved stability on larger rigs, especially with weaker cpus.
- Improved error reporting on failed initialization.
Changes in v0.3.5
- Changed GPU initialization to be sequential by default and added --init_style option for faster init styles.
- Fixed network buffer size issue preventing the use of very long usernames/passwords/rig_ids.
- Added opencl platform auto-detection for AMD platforms when --platform is not specified.
Changes in v0.3.4
- Added CryptoNight v8 (CNv2) support
- Changed stats display to include pool hashrate and better formatting
- Added parallel GPU initialization
- Added output of submitted/accepted/rejected shares.
- Changed hashrate reported to be full GPU hashrate (previously hashrate reported was after dev fee deduction)
Changes in v0.3.3
- ROCm support reintroduced
- API support based on the sgminer API
- Improved GPU platform detection
- PCIe bus id printed on startup and is available over API
- Added option for periodic stats interval
Changes in v0.3.2
- Added windows support/build
- Added vega PAL driver support
- Removed ROCm support (temporarily)
- Removed libjansson dependency
Changes in v0.3.1
- Fixed phi2 issues causing rejected shares and low pool-side hashrate.