In this talk, Justin Ehrenhofer explores the privacy considerations in Bitcoin while comparing it to Monero. He discusses various Bitcoin privacy approaches and highlights their pros and cons, as well as touching upon Bitcoin Lightning
Číst dáleRubrika: Přednášky a rozhovory
Monero: Crypto for Dystopia Avoidance with Luke Smith (Monerotopia23)
Monero Talk. Luke Smith, a well known privacy and Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) advocate, discusses the challenges of on-boarding new users into Monero. He highlights the disconnect between the technical mindset of cryptocurrency enthusiasts
Číst dáleWhy LocalBitcoins shutdown and how to use LocalMonero with its co-founder Alex
The two discuss why LocalBitcoins shut down, what the issue was with their business model, the advantages and benefits of using LocalMonero, bringing back Monero Meetups, shotgun KYC, and overall a very thorough explanation of
Číst dáleSal the Agorist on Monero and Pseudonymous Cryptos
The two discuss how Sal got into Agorism after reading the BTC white-paper, why the Central Bank is the enabler for many of the atrocities perpetuated by the US Government, why it's only a matter
Číst dáleWuTangClan using Monero? LibertyCon 22 Miami - Monero Onboarding, War on Cash, SFL, SilkRoad & more!
Monero Talk, LIVE from LibertyCon 22 Miami
Číst dáleShould we worry about governments killing cash? - Dr. Wolf von Laer
Douglas Tuman interviews Dr. Wolf von Laer - CEO of Students For Liberty, head organizer of LibertyCon and a Ph.D. in Political Economy. In this chat, the two discuss how the 2008 financial recession lead
Číst dáleMário Havel | Vzestup a pád Bitcoin kultury
Zdroj: Paralelní Polis
Číst dálePeter Van Valkenburgh — Could Monero be Sanctioned like Tornado Cash
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Peter Van Valkenburgh who works as research director at CoinCenter. Peter is one of the most well spoken and impactful advocates for creating a positive cryptocurrency regulation landscape and makes
Číst dáleFreedomFest 2022: Anthony Trucano, Director of CloudCoin
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Doug and I headed off to FreedomFest 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are happy to report yet again that it was a huge success. We served up fresh Gratuitas this time and
Číst dáleFreedomFest 2022: Ladies of Liberty Alliance
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Doug and I headed off to FreedomFest 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are happy to report yet again that it was a huge success. We served up fresh Gratuitas this time and
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