TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman chats with Elizabeth Binks who is developing an Ethereum to Monero Atomic Swap implementation that has launched on test net. Elizabeth tells us why she dedicated her time to building this
Číst dáleRubrika: Přednášky a rozhovory
PorcFest 2022: Bruce Fenton and Starr O'Hara
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Bruce Fenton, who is running for US Senate and Starr O'Hara, author of "How to Survive Dystopia".
Číst dáleLibertarian UnMasked 2022 Convention: Monero Talk Special Edition Epi
Doug and Sunita headed out West to the Libertarian National Convention in Reno, Nevada on a mission to find out if these liberty loving individuals were aware of and already using and spreading Monero, and
Číst dáleRegulation/Policy Panel with Justin Ehrenhofer, Liat Shetret & Carol R. Van Cleef
Monerotopia 2022
Číst dáleFrancisco Cabañas “ArticMine” on Scaling Monero
Monerotopia 2022
Číst dáleVanessa Harris on why Society Needs True Digital Cash
TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Vanessa Harris, Chief Product Officer of Permission, a platform for Web3 Advertising, connecting brands and consumers through crypto rewards. Vanessa shares why we need a fully anonymous, digital cash in
Číst dáleMONERO The ONLY Legal Crypto Wallet That Doesn't Break The LAW
Monero is one of the best privacy coins in the Crypto space. Cryptocurrency has been under attack from regulators who want to centralize crypto and take over privacy coins. Monero being one of the top
Číst dáleKeith Weiner on Crypto vs. Gold
Douglas Tuman interviews Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, a platform for products that offer investors a yield on gold, paid in gold. Keith shares why he believes in the gold standard and his reasoning
Číst dáleMarc Falzon on the Dark Side of Bitcoin in El Salvador
Douglas Tuman interviews Marc Falzon, a crypto journalist who recently published a very well made docu-style report on “the dark side of bitcoin in El Salvador”. Marc is passionate about spreading crypto adoption and its
Číst dáleThe Robin Hood Of Wall Street finds Monero with Gregory Mannarino
Douglas Tuman interviews Gregory Mannarino, known as “The Robin Hood Of Wall Street” for his passion to inform His over 200 thousand YouTube subscribers about the truth of the federal reserve. Gregory has been interested
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