Hardfork se blíží a bude již tento týden, proto je třeba přejít na nové verze minerů. Nejlépe je to udělat již teď. Budete mít méně starostí a přechod bude plynulý.
Zatím známý software pro Cryptonight R:
XMRIG 2.13.0+
CPU ver.sion: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/releases
- #938 Added support for new algorithm cryptonight/r, short alias cn/r(also known as CryptoNightR or CryptoNight variant 4), for upcoming Monero fork on March 9, thanks @SChernykh.
- #939 Added support for dynamic (runtime) pools reload.
- #932 Fixed cn-picohashrate drop, regression since v2.11.0.
AMD version: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-amd/releases
- #938 Added support for new algorithm cryptonight/r, short alias cn/r(also known as CryptoNightR or CryptoNight variant 4), for upcoming Monero fork on March 9, thanks @SChernykh.
- #939 Added support for dynamic (runtime) pools reload.
- Invalid threads (eg with wrong device index) now ignored and not stop the miner.
NVIDIA version: https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia/releases
- #938 Added support for new algorithm cryptonight/r, short alias cn/r(also known as CryptoNightR or CryptoNight variant 4), for upcoming Monero fork on March 9, thanks @SChernykh.
- #939 Added support for dynamic (runtime) pools reload.
SRB Miner 1.7.9+
Algoritmus switch ZDE.
Domovská stránka ZDE.
Videonávod ale zatím jen pro starší V8.
XMR-STAK 2.9.0+
Zde tvůrce moc nestíhají, není zatím moc kvalitní verze pro CPU. Slibují ale postupné úpravy a vývoj. Citace:
"This release introduce cryptonight_r required for the Monero for on 2019/09/03. Select the currency monero
to switch automatically the algorithm from cryptonight_v8 to cryptonight_r with the Monero blockversion 10."
"Please note that this version is a bit rough around the edges due to the emergency nature of Monero fork. CPU mining in particular will be very slow. We plan to release a more polished version around the fork date."
Domovská stránka ZDE.
xmr-stak-linux-2.9.0-cpu.tar.xz1.96 MB
xmr-stak-linux-2.9.0-cpu_opencl-amd.tar.xz2.34 MB
xmr-stak-win64- MB
xmr-stak-win64-2.9.0.zip52.4 MB
- add Monero ~9th of March new algo (block 1788000 - cn/r)
- many improvements and bug fixes
- native Windows APIs
Domovská stránka ZDE.