Uvolněna nová verze peněženky kryptoměny Monero.
- Apply gamma distribution from chain tip when selecting decoys (#7822)
- Protect wallet from divide by 0 caused by integer truncation (#7846)
- Ledger: speed up wallet generation, sync, and subaddress generation (#7744, #7745, #7788)
- Fix optimize-coinbase for p2pool payouts (#7894)
- Provide key images of spent outputs in wallet rpc (#7839)
- Support freeze, thaw, and frozen in wallet rpc (#7838)
- Remove blocked addresses/hosts from peerlist (#7810)
- Stop adding more outputs than bulletproof allows, split transaction (#7825)
- Set correct Ledger minimum version (#7789)
- Fix crash with Trezor passphrase entered on computer (#7781)
- Update randomx to v1.1.9 (#7734)
- Fix boost 1.76.0 compatibility (#7736)
- Fix rescan_bc keep_ki option (#7680)
- Minor bug fixes