Velmi zajímavé téma otevřela osoba vystupující pod přezdívkou Xmrhaelan. V první fázi se jedná o zamyšlení nad tím jak Monero podat veřejnosti a spojit jej se skutečným světem. Ne všichni jsou po stránce výpočetní techniky gramotní na laborování s kryptoměnami a ne každému je známo, že existuje jiná kryptoměna než Bitcoin. Proto se intenzivně diskutuje "plán" podpory kryptoměny Monero. Na diskuzním fóru se k této myšlence může každý vyjádřit a vložit do tohoto tématu svůj návrh nebo nápad.

Zdroj Reddit:

Below is a draft of a PR plan I am putting together to help inform and enlighten the public that Monero is the most revolutionary thing in existence. I will appreciate any and all feedback you can provide- as well as anyone who wants to step up and volunteer to help me make it happen (PM me).

Also, I have been told that both the Monero Ecosystem on Github and Taiga would be good places to hold this project, but I am not very familiar with either. If after reading the draft below you think one would be better than the other (or should I use both?), please let me know.

Monero Public Relations Plan (draft)


The purpose of this public relations plan (PR Plan) is to develop strategy and tools that support the education, reputation, and user adoption of Monero. If successful, this plan and it’s accompanying tools will provide Monero developers, community members, and various journalists and bloggers with the information needed to help us facilitate the eventual realization and mass adoption of the most revolutionary cryptocurrency in existence.

Primary Objectives of PR Plan:

Objective 1: Establish and maintain the reputation of Monero as the most sound and revolutionary cryptocurrency in existence.

Objective 2: Build the user base and network size of Monero.

Objective 3: Reduce and mitigate any negative or inaccurate publicity of Monero.


The following SMART goals will allow us to measure the success of PR plan:

Specific Goals:

  1. Monthly transaction count reaches x (vs. current x)
  2. Number of nodes increase to x (vs. current x)
  3. Size of network hashrate reaches x (vs. current x)
  4. Number of contributors on Github increase x (or grows by x %?)
  5. Number of Reddit subscribers on /r/monero incease to x (vs. current x)
  6. Number of Twitter subscribers on @monero ? increase to x (vs. current x)
  7. Google Trends of “monero” search increase x (vs. current x)
  8. Number of monthly Monero downloads increase to x (vs. current x)
  9. 24h trade volume hits x


For each specific goal above, this is where or how each will be measured:

(need to fill in 1-9)


The goals of this PR Plan will only be achieved with engagement from the community, both in planning and implementation. As the plan moves into the implementation stage, the effectiveness will likely also correlate with adequate funding for the work needed.


Each specific goal listed above is already easily tracked and measured. If this PR Plan is successful, it is highly likely that the numbers will reach their goals.


[Insert timeline here and utilize developer timeline to inform]


The following strategic aims will ensure our public relations efforts are comprehensive and effective:

  1. Create a “Press Toolkit” for Monero developers, community members, and journalists alike that will make public relations more efficient and effective.
  2. Whenever possible, emphasize the revolutionary nature of Monero.
  3. Create synergy with the language and messaging used to represent Monero.
  4. Appeal to and attract a wide variety of audiences.

Target Audiences:


  1. Journalists and Bloggers who focus on areas of privacy, security, business, finance, and cryptocurrencies


  1. Developers
  2. Investors
  3. Business Owners
  4. Miners
  5. Crypto enthusiasts

Target Media:

  1. Online and Print Publications

a. YouTube, podcasts, blogs, etc.

  1. Mainstream and Financial News

a. Television, print, online, etc.

Recommended Action Items:

o Recruit community support and input

o Receive feedback and refine PR Plan

o Compile all available resources for Press Kit

o Track/ record primary supporters and their preffered contact method

o Identify developer milestones/triggers and draft a timeline/schedule

o Identify and confirm Monero developer and community members who are willing to serve as Points of Contact for this plan and the press

o Identify all potential situations or scenarios that would require crisis mitigation and develop press releases for each

o Identify the various themes/targets for necessary press releases and/or Letters to the Editor

o Find writers who can help and determine market rate of fee for service

o Identify and reach out to individuals and publications to target for media outreach

o Determine financial need to effectively complete PR plan and set budget

o Fundraise if necessary

o Look into Editorial Calendars of mainstream publications

o Reuters, AP, Forbes, Bloomberg, etc.

o Identify other publications

o Set goals for press releases, contingent upon goals reached by developers

Thanks to all who provide feedback and support for this PR Plan! I know funding will probably be necessary, but I haven't worked out a budget yet. That being said, if you want to support the cause sooner than later, please feel free to send to this address: 47oKHkoaQdBdFpTJNKaetUS6UsCGHVbJbGxPGaaHFQPqXSCLbqXYsBo6x7abwtfdXTeiBhtZLnYF5bRRAhYsUVb5Sd1aqiD

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