Zaregistrovali jsme krásnou otázku: "Jak může člověk pomoci decentralizované anonymní kryptoměně Monero?" Co může udělat jednotlivec a vpodstatě okamžitě:

  • provozovat fullnode a přímo tak podporovat síť
  • finančně podporovat Monero Forum Funding System
  • zapojení do některé ze skupin Monero workgroup, popř. vytvořit vlastní skupinu a aktivitu
  • účastnit se diskuzí na komunitních fórech např. Stackexchange, Reddit, Quora apod.
  • vzdělávat se a pomáhat ostatním
  • pořádat nebo se zapojit do místních prezentací kryptoměn obzvláště Monero
  • zapojit se do Monero tvorby v tzv. Monero Ecosystem project
  • těžit sólo nebo v nějakém malém poolu
  • podporovat marketing např. Monero Outreach nebo aktivity vlastního druhu

Přehled Monero workgroups

  • Community Workgroup - devoted to enhancing community values. Tasks include organizing meetings, providing useful materials, and organizing the monthly Coffee Chats.
  • Monero Developer Workgroup - Monero core repo development, including the daemon, CLI, GUI, and other critical software.
  • Localization Workgroup - highly-organized volunteers who translate Monero-related materials and make them more accessible. See #monero-translations.
  • Outreach Workgroup - highly-organized volunteers committed to making Monero better-understood and widely known.
  • Support Workgroup - helping users for a variety of reasons, including setting up wallets, connecting to nodes, restoring accounts, transferring funds, and more. Includes the getmonero.org website ticketing system (by invite, TBA), r/MoneroSupport, #monero-support, and StackExchange.
  • Mining Workgroup - serving as the community's popular hub for securing Monero's blockchain. Includes discussion for new software releases and useful guides for mining on a variety of software and hardware configurations. See r/MoneroMining.
  • Trader Workgroup - the most popular discussion place for price discussion. Includes r/xmrtrader and #monero-markets.
  • Malware Response Workgroup - helping those who have been compromised by malware, including unwanted browser mining, system mining, and ransomware.
  • Kovri - a Monero project that supports an anonymizing router with strong privacy enhancements for Monero and other cryptocurrencies through a common API.
  • Monerujo Workgroup - the community for a popular android wallet.
  • Cake Wallet Workgroup - the community for a popular iOS wallet. See r/Cakewalletio.
  • Monero Research Lab (MRL) - individuals who conduct research with Monero and related software.
  • HackerOne Vulnerability Response Workgroup - invite-only workgroup that handles the VRP.
  • Hardware Workgroup - dedicated to making an open-specification design for a Monero-compatible hardware wallet and other hardware projects.
  • Mastering Monero - workgroup publishing a book on Monero.
  • Integrations Workgroup - individuals who collaborate to make Monero integrated on a variety of services, including payment processors, decentralized exchanges, and more.
  • RIAT Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics - Vienna-based institute that promotes cryptocurrency projects, including Monero.
  • DefCon Workgroup (seasonal) - everything for organizing DefCon Las Vegas activities in August. Typically runs ~April-August.
  • HCPP Workgroup (seasonal) - everything for organizing HCPP activities.
  • Moonero - sharing memes and other comical content, typically in strong favor of Monero. See r/moonero.
  • Doomero - the sibling of the Moonero workgroup. Devoted to sharing satirical content in opposition of Monero. See r/Doomero.
  • Church of Monero - technological spirituality. Monero Moon Mission 2023.

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